SMVEC Accreditations

National Board of Accreditation (NBA)

NBA accreditation recognizes excellence in technical education in colleges. It has the power to recognize both under and post graduates program from various colleges. It is a dream for any college to get accreditation by NBA. It ensures quality and it certifies only the colleges that are able to provide a quality education. Colleges who are able to deliver a standard and follow norms specified by the govt are only certified by NBA. Many aspects of the college are verified and a extensive study and observation is conducted in order to make sure a educational institution and the program offered by it are worthy for an NBA accreditation. This strict nature and very few colleges having this make it a prestige for any institution to earn one. SMVEC being the top engineering college is one college which has earned the NBA accreditation.

The following principles are attainable through the accreditation

  • Provide Support and Guidelines to technical institutions in the maintenance and enhancement of their quality of provision;
  • Augment Confidence and assurance on quality to various stakeholders including students;
  • Showcase the first-class reputation of an Institution to government departments and other interested bodies;
  • Facilitate the Institution in a way to state publicly that it has voluntarily accepted independent inspection and has satisfied all the requirements for satisfactory operation and maintenance of quality in education.

NBA accreditations for the following have been achieved:

NBA Approval for the Department of ECE, EEE, CSE, MECH, IT

NBA Approval for the Department of Civil &ICE

NBA Approval for the Department of MBA

National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Accreditation

NAAC accreditation determines the quality of the institute in terms of education, infrastructure, research, teaching & learning etc. The following are the benefits of NAAC accreditation

  • Institution to know its strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities through an informed review process
  • Identification of internal areas of planning and resource allocation
  • Collegiality on the campus
  • Funding agencies look for objective data for performance funding
  • Institutions to initiate innovative and modern methods of pedagogy
  • New sense of direction and identity for institutions
  • The society look for reliable information on quality education offered
  • Employers look for reliable information on the quality of education offered to the prospective recruits
  • Intra and inter-institutional interactions


SMVEC has an IQAC cell which was formed in the year 2013. The primary motive of this is to asses, initiate, plan, monitor and control various important activities which comprises of quality of the education provided to the students. Also it helps the institution to develop the quality of the education program by imposing various policies and internal standards. Its main focus is on quality enrichment of teaching, learning, evaluation, research, extension and consultancy opportunities. Meetings are conducted periodically to asses and review the progress and performance of the institution. One of the main standards followed is of the one as directed by National Accreditation Council (NAAC).