SMVEC Ranking

In India there are many engineering universities and engineering colleges available. There are There are a lot of engineering colleges that the students get so much confused while choosing the engineering college to pursue their engineering program. All Engineering colleges are regulated; even the private colleges are regulated so that choosing any college seems to be a risk free decision. But, in a country like India private colleges are found to be more proactive in training their students than the public colleges. Although the fees structure of a private engineering college seems to be comparatively more that the government engineering colleges, they offer a well planned training for their students. Government also provides many benefits for students choosing to study engineering program in private engineering colleges. This may depend upon the state government and the university under which these private engineering colleges may come.

Let us see the rankings of SMVEC, The Best Engineering College in South India.

No 1 Engineering College in Pondicherry

No 188 Engineering College in India

SMVEC is one of the top engineering college in South India. It provides an excellent infrastructure facility for the students to be trained properly for future.

The college also offers a world class placement training and grooming program to the students. Unlike other engineering colleges, SMVEC provides these training from day one so as to develop the students and make them more competent to the corporate world.

One of the main highlight of the training and placement program provided by SMVEC is that there is an option for students to get trained for a company specific program, which help the student to train specifically for his dream company to work in future.

Centre Of Excellence in the college campus provides the infrastructural, lab and training hall facilities provide a world calls training facility for the students.

The college continuously brings top training companies to train their students so that they are trained in way most favored by corporate.

Industries and Companies Tie-up help the students in understanding and to get exposure to the industry during the engineering program and make them ready for the campus interviews.

The company tie-ups have enabled the college to bring 100+ top IT and Core companies to choose SMVEC as their favorite spot to hire their future employees.

The regular industry visits and guest lectures from top industry people keep the students motivated towards their goals.

Let us see some of the placement highlights of SMVEC;

  • 96% of eligible students got placed in 2019.
  • 7,485 students placed since inception.
  • 1009 students got placement offers until May 2020.
  • 70+ students got dream offers with a package of more than Rs.4.5 lakhs to Rs.11 lakhs.
  • Students placed with an Average Salary of Rs.3,30,000.
  • TCS upto Rs.7 Lakhs / Annum.
  • 32 new companies added to our recruiter list this year.
  • Major Recruiters are TCS, HSBC, ZOHO, Microchip, Unisys, Aspire Systems, CTS etc.
  • 119+ Recruiters with 66+ MNCs, 53+ core companies.