Internet of Things

Internet Of Things

A devices connected with sensors and software. The devices can make decision and interact with others over the Internet. The device can be remotely monitored and controlled.
Registration Open: 05/06/2020
Competition date: 05/09/2020
Venue: MIT Campus
Team Size: 3 member per team
Eligibility: III semester students are eligible

1. Which technology is accepted?
Micro controller or Arduino or Raspberry PI.
2. What is my team size?
Maximum three members per team.
3. Who is eligible to participate the competition?
All III semester students are eligible.
4. Do I need to bring my project?
Yes. You have to show demo and explain your program line by line.
5. What is the competition date?
6. How do I register my name?
Please click the below Registration button and submit your details.
Pay Rs. 200/- per team to the AAPC-2019 event coordinator Dr.G.Shanmugasundaram, Associate Professor, IT Dept, SMVEC,Puducherry.